Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Journal #3

Journal #3: Infographics: More Than Words Can Say

Krauss, J. (2012). Infographics: More than words can say. Learning and Leading with Technology, 10-11. Retrieved from

Summary: Using visual displays of information can encourage investigation, problem solving and analysis. Rather than reading data, interpreting a visual representation is much more engaging and creates immediate discussion. The shift away from tables, timelines, and basic graphs towards a more complex representation of data encourages teachers and students to evaluate information regarding current trends and topics. Infographics incorporates the use of words and visuals, making the interpretation of information meaningful and easy to process.

Q1. How can students integrate the use of Infographics and current trends in education in the school setting?

A1. In regards to current education trends in California, I think that integrating budget and how it impacts education would be an appropriate and meaningful use of Infographics for both teachers and students. Having the ability to visualize current trends that impact our education system not only provide perspective, but also promote conversational and problem solving to occur simply through a visual representation. Reading information versus the analysis of information, creates two separate experiences and discussions. Infographics can not only make data accessible, but also create a forum for conversation.

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